Northwest Mediation
Commercial & Family Mediation and Individual Dispute Resolution
Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire, Lancashire, London and by zoom all of England
Same day appointments available
Contact: 0161 667 4418

Commercial Mediation
Navigate past obstacles to a mediated settlement without the high cost of legal fees or courts
Small business
Family business
Inheritance, probate and estates
Your business
Family & Individual
Financial issues on divorce/separation
Neighbour problems
Personal contractual disputes
Council or utility disagreements
Inheritance Arguments
Employment disputes
Child Contact
Civil Claims
Mediation is a voluntary, confidential method to resolve any dispute you have without both sides becoming entrenched in their positions and swamped with lawyers' fees and court costs. Courts now require that before you issue proceedings you attempt to settle any dispute amicably. Whether you call it civil mediation, commercial mediation, court mediation, family mediation or employment mediation it involves the same process.
The mediator does not take sides but is an independent party who assists all parties in seeing the issues clearly, dispassionately and in confidence.
At Northwest Mediation your mediator will speak with and listen to all sides involved in the dispute, helping everyone reach a resolution to their conflict.
The meetings and the issues discussed are all without prejudice (off the record) so you can talk freely and discuss all your options before finding the best solution for you.
Unlike some mediators we can travel to you and will find a location to conduct your mediation which is near to you if you do not want to travel to our offices.