Northwest Mediation
Commercial & Family Mediation and Individual Dispute Resolution
Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire, Lancashire, London and by zoom all of England
Same day appointments available
Contact: info@northwestmediation.co.uk 0161 667 4418
Arguing with the Council takes time and can be costly, equally if you work for the Council you may find end users seem to be frustrating your objectives. Disputes can arise with the education department, child welfare, planning or licensing.
Sometimes it seems like either side is not listening or your point of view is being lost on the other side.
More often than not it is an issue of miscommunication that can be resolved by Northwest Mediation over the phone.
Sometimes it can be a matter which takes longer and needs both sides to sit down and talk, in either case we can taylor our costs to suit your needs and budget and work with both sides to resolve the issues.
We know that Councils are under tight budget constraints and have to get the most out of every penny they spend, so we offer our services to Councils as well as indviduals at a competitive rate.
We are also available for internal council disputes and requests for tenders should be sent to our offices marked "Council Tenders"