Northwest Mediation
Commercial & Family Mediation and Individual Dispute Resolution
Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire, Lancashire, London and by zoom all of England
Same day appointments available
Contact: info@northwestmediation.co.uk 0161 667 4418
Don't just take our word for it, mediation works, click here to find out some revealing facts about success and savings
Frequently Asked Questions
Many people have the same questions about mediation, it’s still a little appreciated method to resolve disputes, but is incredibly effective, you have nothing to lose by finding out more.
Q: What is mediation?
A: It’s a way of sorting out a dispute without going to court, no lawyers, no court fees, no long delays, no witness box, no statements, no findings of fact. Just you and the other party working with the mediator to reach an agreement you can both accept.
Q: How much is mediation? Why isn’t the service you offer free?
A: It’s not free, if that puts you off reconsider whether your dispute is worth the effort you are putting into it at all. No government fund pays Northwest Mediation to help you we offer a service, just like the plumber you call when your kitchen’s flooded we charge for our time, unlike a plumber we work on fixed fees so there are no surprises.
Examples of Northwest Mediation’s charges (which are flexible) are set out on this website, Northwest Mediation works with you, both sides pay half Northwest Mediation’s fees because we know mediation works. Sometimes one party will agree to cover the whole cost, but that’s a matter for those of you involved.
Q: Where do I go for information on mediation?
A: We come to you, Northwest Mediation will locate suitable local rooms and travel to you, if you’re in a dispute you have enough to be concerned about without worrying where our offices are (they’re in Bollington by the way). We use meeting rooms supplied by the likes of Regus, Holiday Inn, the Philippi Trust and local church meeting halls
Q: How does mediation work?
A: Let's start with the aims, or rather what the aims of mediation aren't. It isn’t marriage guidance, it’s not an attempt to force a deal on you, it isn’t a talking shop.
Northwest Mediation works with you and your opponent to work out what lies at the heart of your issues, what you non-negotiables really are and what is stopping an agreement being reached. We get to know you, to understand your problems and work with you to find solutions that both sides can accept.
It works because Northwest Mediation takes the time to understand you and your issues, and because we know how much the alternatives to dispute resolution can cost. Examples of the alternative costs of going to court are on Northwest Mediation’s website.
Mediation is confidential so nothing gets broadcast or recorded
Mediation is voluntary all parties want to be there to reach an agreement.
Q: Does mediation work?
A: Yes. Northwest Mediation has resolved issues for: large and small businesses, employees, sole traders, families and neighbours. Northwest Mediation is proud of its record of going above and beyond what is expected, we frequently follow up by phone and email a mediation meeting has gone over the time allotted to ensure that an agreement is reached. We will do our best to help you reach an agreement both sides can accept.
Northwest Mediation works at weekends and in the evenings with parties to ensure that we fit in around your schedule.
Q: Can I see your notes after we've reached agreement?
A: No, mediation is confidential nothing said in the meetings can be used in court or elsewhere, at Northwest
Mediation we destroy our notes after the meeting ends. We only keep your Agreement to Mediate and any
Settlement Agreement.
Q: Why should we use Northwest Mediation?
A: Northwest Mediation only uses accredited mediators who are professional and approachable and when it
comes to mediations successful in narrowing the issues and getting a resolution that the parties agree upon
Q: What is your complaints procedure?
A: Please speak to us about any problem you have but if you feel you wish to make a complaint our procedure is set out in this document ->