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  • Ed

Scotland's for me..diation

If you're old enough to remember the above bastardised advertising campaign then you like me will have been around in the 70's and 80's when mediation wasn't even heard of, now it gets everywhere and a good thing too.

North of the border in mediation news this week and the promotion of an internal mediation service for Angus Council has followed from what Taxpayer Scotland called the “improper” behaviour of councillors which had resulted in additional referrals for review of decisions and what was referred to as internal “squabbling”.

Eben Wilson, the director of Taxpayer Scotland gave an account of what taxpayers expect of their councillors and it could not more accurately reflect the benefits of mediation “strong focus of practicality, good use of our money and effective services delivered at economic cost”.

Since starting Northwest Mediation my focus on every mediation that has taken place has been on achieving a realistic economic agreement which the parties agree upon, one of the practical benefits of mediation is that a mediation agreement is not limited to what a court could order but can include practical steps such as an apology or an offer of assistance as well the financial side of any agreement.

If you (your business or your council) would like assistance with mediating a dispute or setting up an internal mediation programme contact Ed Johnson at or on 07931318347

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