Ok they aren’t actually babies but in Dundee this month over 100 young people (along with teachers and mediators) will come together to discuss and celebrate the success of peer mediation in Scottish schools.
Young Talk came into existence in 2015 to support peer mediation as a way to prevent and deal with conflicts in schools and youth organisations in Scotland.
The conference is also intended to draw attention to mediation in general and peer mediation in particular, and I’m happy to further those goals here.
(Incidentally, Dundee University has been a pioneer in including an organisation wide mediation approach, something with which Northwest Mediation can help your company either on a corporate scale or simply by inclusion of terminology in sale and service contracts.)
The skills used in mediation and taught to the children involved helps them to communicate better by the use of listening, questioning and conversational skills – which in an age of SMS, twitter, snapchat, facebook and blogs (!) are all valuable tools for anyone but particularly if it helps to be a positive step against bullying and harassment.
Conference chair, Carol Hope, who promotes peer mediation around the globe, has been involved in teaching peer mediation particularly in West Lothian where there is evidence that the skills learnt have improved exam results.
If you would like to discuss how mediation can assist your company or help you resolve your personal dispute contact Ed Johnson on 07931318347 or via email ed.johnson@nortwestmediation.co.uk