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Workshop Success

A fantastic day was had by everyone who attended my mediation workshop last Wednesday, well that’s what the delegates tell me and who am I to question them?

A day spent discussing techniques and sharing war stories all in the fantastic setting of the USN Bolton Arena.

This week will also see the AGM of the Civil Mediation Council who are discussing amongst other matters their response to the Civil Justice Council’s proposals for integrating mediation into every civil dispute. More on this in later the weeks.

Meanwhile mediation news stories abound over in the US Janice Holder and William “Mickey” Barker (both former Tennessee Supreme Court judges) will act as mediators in the dispute between Memphis state and the Sons of the Confederate Veterans revolving around the removal of a statues of confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Previously the Sons of Confederate Veterans unsuccessfully tried to stop parks being named after Confederacy notables from being renamed, despite previous losses the Sons have stated that they will not agree to any act that includes removing the statue.

And still in North America but up to Canada where mediation is being used by the “Heads Team” and Dean of Students office at Trinity College Toronto following a note of no-confidence in the Dean’s office.

An email released on behalf of both parties says mediation has been entered into “to restore trust and our positive working relationship.”

Mediator Chris McGrath, Associate Vice-President Student Experience and Registrar at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College has years of experience working with students, as Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at the Toronto University between 2006 and 2011.

The start of the mediation process has allowed the annual charity Saints Ball to proceed (and the ban of alcohol consumption being temporarily lifted much to the relief of the students, no doubt).

Dean of students Kristen Moore said “As our discussions to date have been positive, we were able to proceed with the Saints Ball in a manner that helps to preserve a fun and positive experience, while emphasizing safety for all students. The Heads Team and Dean’s Office are committed to continuing to work together to ensure a positive student experience at Trinity,”

Whether it’s the placing of a statue, the running of an institution, a commercial dispute, a boundary dispute, an inheritance in question or a family in need of mediation, call Ed Johnson on 07931318347 or via email at

Inheritance mediation mediator commercial mediation business mediation corporate mediation licenced mediator family mediation business mediation neighbour mediation boundary dispute

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